int main()
{ int Chinese(int i, int b = 0); int English(int i, string word, int b = 0); void Grade(int i, float j, int k, int *p); string word, Key; char Set[10]; int a, b = 0; int i = 0, begin, i_1[2000], k = 0; float j;//i_1和k是记录答错的单词序号的,j统计分数 cout << "调成英文输入法;执行时输入Key查看答案;输入End以结束程序;" << endl << "Enter the section you want to test:"; cin >> Set; while (Set[0]<'A' || Set[0]>'Z') { ++i; if (i % 3 == 0) cout << "亲,请输入大写字母A~Z" << endl; else cout << "Please input A~Z" << endl; cout << "Enter the section you want to test:"; cin >> Set; } if (Set[0] >= 'B') { cout << "The information was not found;" << endl; cout << "Enter any character to end."; cin >> word; return 0; }/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------限定输入的选择字母*/ English(0, "Null", (int)Set[0] - 64); Chinese(0, (int)Set[0] - 64);/*------------------------------------------------输入练习的章节*/ cout << "从第几个单词開始听写好呢?";
cin >> begin;while (begin < 1 || begin>300){ cout << "请输入1~300之间的数字,亲: ";cin >> begin;}for (i = 1 + begin - 1, j = 0; word != "End"; ++i)/*--------------------------------------------開始执行*/{ cout << endl;Chinese(i);++j;cin >> word;if (word == "End")/*---------------------------------------------------------结束(下一道题已经開始了)*/{ if (i == 1){ cout << "蛋疼";return 0;}/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------一道题也没做*/else{ Grade(i - begin + 1, j - 1, k, i_1);/*--下一道题的开头*/return 0;}}while (word == "Key"){ cout << "Tell me your answer first. ";cin >> word;if (word == "End")/*-------------------------------------------------------结束(不看答案结束)*/{ if (i == 1){ cout << "真蛋疼";return 0;}else{ Grade(i - begin + 1, j, k, i_1);/*----看答案时结束*/return 0;}}}/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------是不是一上来就看答案而且让看就退了*/a = English(i, word);/*----------------------------------------------------推断对错,对了返回1,错了返回0*/if (a == 2){ cout << "The program went wrong...";return 0;}/*-----------------------------------------------------------一般不会出错的,26个字母*/while (a != 1){ a = 0;if (b == 0){ --j;i_1[k] = i;++k;}/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------统计错题*/b = 1;cout << setw(22) << setfill(' ') << "Wrong ! Try again. ";cin >> word;if (word == "End")/*-----------------------------------------------------结束*/{ Grade(i + 1, j, k, i_1);return 0;}else if (word == "Key")/*------------------------------------------------看答案*/{ cout << " ";English(i, word);cout << endl;break;}else a = English(i, word);/*---------------------------------------------再试一次*/}b = 0;/*----------------------------------------------------------------统计错题用的*/if (a == 1)cout << setw(35) << setfill(' ') << "Right. Do you want to continue? ";/*-----------------------------------------------------自己做对的*/elsecout << setw(28) << "Do you want to continue?";
cin >> word;}Grade(i - begin + 1, j, k, i_1);return 0; }